Liquidity Providing
Using SLNA Swap, users can earn income by providing liquidity. Staking LP in gauges with the most votes allows users to receive incentives in proportion to the liquidity provided. Approximately 60% of SLNA's supply is allocated to liquidity providers.
Liquidity Provider Income Income for liquidity providers comes from SLNA rewards directed to the gauge by veSLNA voters, rather than from swap fees generated by the gauge's trading volume. All swap fees are awarded to veSLNA users who voted on the gauge, incentivizing swap fee generation and voting for gauges with higher trading volume.
Swap Curves
SLNA employs two price curves: Uniswap v2 for trading volatile and uncorrelated assets, and Curve Stable Swap for correlated assets like BUSD-USDT, providing higher trading volume with lower slippage.
Volatile pools have 0.4% swap fees.
Stable pools have 0.02% swap fees.
Distribution Mechanism
Gauge-generated swap fees are automatically attached to the next epoch. Upon the commencement of the next epoch, fees are distributed to voters over a 7-day period, corresponding to the duration of a voting and distribution epoch.
Swap fees are proportionally distributed to veSLNA users who voted for the gauge that generated them and are automatically attached to the same gauge as bribes. This increases the gauge's appeal to veSLNA voters and allows veSLNA to proportionally receive all fees from the gauges they supported.
All swap fees are distributed proportionally to the veSLNA users who voted for the gauge that generated them and are automatically attached to the same gauge as bribes, making it more attractive to veSLNA voters. This mechanism is how veSLNA proportionally receives all fees from the gauges they voted for.
Last updated